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What does a 1/10 cord look like?

A 1/10 cord is 6 feet wide and 15 inches Long. Prices can be found on Programs tab under Research and Development. Please click contact for further questions or call 928-729-4007.

Where can I cut trees if I have a permit?

ANYWHERE within the forest and woodland areas of the Navajo Nation EXCEPT the following:

  • When fire and other environmental conditions cause concern for public safety and damage to the land resources.
  • Any location designated by the Navajo Forestry Department for “No Harvesting.”
  • Within 200 feet of known archaeological/sacred sites
  • Within National monument boundaries, restricted areas, or tribal ranches.
  • Within any right-of-way fence of any major highway, except for safety measures.
  • Within 200 feet from center line of any major forest logging road.
Who do I call about cutting trees in my area?

Please call Navajo Forestry department as this would vary by if you will be harvesting (cutting) trees or if you want Navajo Forestry to harvest. Please click contact for further questions or call 928-729-4007.

Do you sell woodchips? If so, how much will it cost?

Yes! We sell woodchips for $8. Please click contact for further questions or call 928-729-4007.

Where are you located?

We are located 1 mile north of speedway gas station in Fort Defiance, AZ. Please click contact for further questions or call 928-729-4007.

How much does a permit cost?

The cost of permits will vary depending on the forest products use and transportation permits. For specific cost details, please refer to the permit section or contact us at 928-729-4007 for more information.

Who do I make the money order payable to?

All money order will be payable to Navajo Nation. Please click contact for further questions or call 928-729-4007.

When can I obtain a permit?

Permits are issued for the calendar year, from January to December. Please ensure you obtain your permit within this time frame. Please click contact for further questions or call 928-729-4007.

What do I need to obtain a permit?

You would need a valid Drivers Licence or Identification Card. Please click contact for further questions or call 928-729-4007.

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