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Timber Management

Timber Sale Preparation

The FMP has a schedule of possible timber sales. Timber trees are overstory trees divided into three sizes; small [11.5”-18.9”], large [19”-24.9”], and overmature[25”+]. Based off inventory, forest stands are determined if they can be treated. It is these stands, that collectively comprise a timber sale.

Based off the inventory and guidelines in the FMP and the FCP, a Silvicultural Prescription is prepared. The Prescription presents possible treatments that enhance stand structure and composition to meet management goals. Harvest trees are marked accordingly, and sample trees are measured for sale volume estimation. Possible haul roads, skid trails and landings are established.

Necessary Biological and Cultural clearances are conducted, but by other DNR departments. All information is then complied to develop an environmental assessment, in order for the BIA to make a NEPA decision.


Timber Administration

When given approval, the sale of the timber is then advertised for purchase. After the timber is finally purchased; the purchaser will be responsible to safely harvest marked trees, manage slash created, and transport logs out of the forest. During this entire process, Department staff will conduct monitoring. After all is completed, the sale will be closed out.

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